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Пэйнтер Хуулийн Товчоо /Painter Law Firm/ нь Уул уурхайн зөвлөх үйлчилгээний чиглэлээр үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг гэсэн ямар ч мэдээлэл алга. Дараахь чиглэлээр үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг юм байна. /Мэдээлэлийг http://www.painterfirm.com/c/11/practice-areas веб сайтаас нь авав./
Practice Areas
Just like many other professions and vocations, the practice of law is specialized. At Painter Law Firm, we have attorneys who focus on civil litigation and other attorneys who focus on non-lawsuit matters like business transactions and estate planning.
We only agree to represent or advise
clients in situations or cases where we feel that our experience and
skills are the right fit. That is why our attorneys always meet with
prospective clients up front, rather than delegating it to a
non-attorney staff member.
The practice areas for our attorneys include the following:
Medical Malpractice and Brain Injury
According to a 2000 study by the National Institute of Medicine, as many as 98,000 Americans die and another million people are injured each year by preventable medical errors.
When you or a family member go to a hospital or doctor for treatment, you are placing your life in their hands and trust them to know what they are doing. The law requires hospitals, doctors, and nurses to be competent and responsible for following national standards of care—and when they do not follow those rules, and a patient is injured or killed because of it, there has been medical malpractice.
A medical malpractice claim can be brought by an injured patient, or the surviving family members of a person who was killed as a result of medical malpractice, against any healthcare provider, including hospitals, doctors, nurses, psychologists and psychotherapists.
We have represented clients in litigation involving pretty much all areas of medical negligence, including babies who suffer permanent brain damage from birth-related negligence, surgical malpractice, improper dialysis care, anesthesiological malpractice, mismanagement of hyponatremia (low sodium), among many others.
Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
If you or a family member has been injured by another party’s negligence or wrongful act, then you may have a personal injury claim. When another party’s negligence takes someone’s life, then there may be a wrongful death claim. Individuals or businesses may be the cause of a personal injury or wrongful death, and the law allows them to be held accountable at court.
Personal injury and wrongful death claims may arise from medical malpractice, work injuries, explosions, serious car wrecks and dangerous or defective projects, just to name a few.
We have represented personal injury and wrongful death clients in numerous types of cases, including pipeline explosions, defective products, pharmaceutical/drug defects, bad surgical devices, and many others.
Business Litigation
Business lawsuits come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes a consumer is forced to sue a business, and other suits involve disputes between two businesses.
We have represented business clients in a variety of business lawsuit, including builder-home buyer disputes, commercial lease disputes, breach of contract matters, breach of corporate sales agreement actions, fraudulent inducement cases, declaratory judgment actions, deceptive trade practice suits, and even suing a water board to enforce the terms of a park bond issue to fund acquisition of real estate.
Business Planning & Transactions
It is always good to hire an attorney when setting up a new business, growing an existing one, or dissolving a business. We work with a lot of small and medium-sized businesses as well as multi-national corporations. With legal and business experience from working in-house at the headquarters of the world’s largest company, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., our business planning attorney is equipped to give you representation that smaller companies feel they often cannot obtain.
When setting up a new entity, there are a lot of considerations, including limiting various liabilities as well as ensuring you have the authority to do everything you want to do with your business. Also, you must not stop at entity formation. We can assist you you’re your operating arrangements and corporate formalities. Some of your options are:
In addition to entity formation, we help your company with business planning, transactions, contracts. We help you with limiting your liability but also help you get the best out of your negotiations and vendor and service relationships. Also, we can advise on your own operating procedures and employee relationships.
Finally, our firm has had a lot of experience in working with businesses on negotiating supplier and vendor relationships. Clarity and predictability are what every business wants in their supply chain. We understand that your sales and often your livelihood often depend on it. Our business attorney puts her background and skills to work for you.
The practice areas for our attorneys include the following:
Medical Malpractice and Brain Injury
According to a 2000 study by the National Institute of Medicine, as many as 98,000 Americans die and another million people are injured each year by preventable medical errors.
When you or a family member go to a hospital or doctor for treatment, you are placing your life in their hands and trust them to know what they are doing. The law requires hospitals, doctors, and nurses to be competent and responsible for following national standards of care—and when they do not follow those rules, and a patient is injured or killed because of it, there has been medical malpractice.
A medical malpractice claim can be brought by an injured patient, or the surviving family members of a person who was killed as a result of medical malpractice, against any healthcare provider, including hospitals, doctors, nurses, psychologists and psychotherapists.
We have represented clients in litigation involving pretty much all areas of medical negligence, including babies who suffer permanent brain damage from birth-related negligence, surgical malpractice, improper dialysis care, anesthesiological malpractice, mismanagement of hyponatremia (low sodium), among many others.
Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
If you or a family member has been injured by another party’s negligence or wrongful act, then you may have a personal injury claim. When another party’s negligence takes someone’s life, then there may be a wrongful death claim. Individuals or businesses may be the cause of a personal injury or wrongful death, and the law allows them to be held accountable at court.
Personal injury and wrongful death claims may arise from medical malpractice, work injuries, explosions, serious car wrecks and dangerous or defective projects, just to name a few.
We have represented personal injury and wrongful death clients in numerous types of cases, including pipeline explosions, defective products, pharmaceutical/drug defects, bad surgical devices, and many others.
Business Litigation
Business lawsuits come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes a consumer is forced to sue a business, and other suits involve disputes between two businesses.
We have represented business clients in a variety of business lawsuit, including builder-home buyer disputes, commercial lease disputes, breach of contract matters, breach of corporate sales agreement actions, fraudulent inducement cases, declaratory judgment actions, deceptive trade practice suits, and even suing a water board to enforce the terms of a park bond issue to fund acquisition of real estate.
Business Planning & Transactions
It is always good to hire an attorney when setting up a new business, growing an existing one, or dissolving a business. We work with a lot of small and medium-sized businesses as well as multi-national corporations. With legal and business experience from working in-house at the headquarters of the world’s largest company, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., our business planning attorney is equipped to give you representation that smaller companies feel they often cannot obtain.
When setting up a new entity, there are a lot of considerations, including limiting various liabilities as well as ensuring you have the authority to do everything you want to do with your business. Also, you must not stop at entity formation. We can assist you you’re your operating arrangements and corporate formalities. Some of your options are:
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Liability Partnership
- Corporations
- Non-Profit Entities
In addition to entity formation, we help your company with business planning, transactions, contracts. We help you with limiting your liability but also help you get the best out of your negotiations and vendor and service relationships. Also, we can advise on your own operating procedures and employee relationships.
Finally, our firm has had a lot of experience in working with businesses on negotiating supplier and vendor relationships. Clarity and predictability are what every business wants in their supply chain. We understand that your sales and often your livelihood often depend on it. Our business attorney puts her background and skills to work for you.
Read More from Painter Law Firm
Infections in skilled nursing or rehabilitation facilities can be deadly
Video from Houston ABC 13 on stroke lawsuit against Houston Methodist Hospital
Binti Lee will never speak the same after a Houston hospital misdiagnosed her stroke
Large teaching hospitals in medical centers rely on young, inexperienced doctors
Robert Painter named to Texas Bar Journal Board of Editors
Lawsuit: Medication error by Dr. Bryan Blonder & CVS causes patient death
Lawsuit: The Methodist Hospital ignores stroke symptoms and causes permanent brain injury
Lawsuit: St. Luke's Sugar Land Hospital pain killer overmedication causes patient death
Robert Painter receives Houston Bar Association President's Award
Better Business Bureau recognizes Painter Law Firm with Pinnacle Award
Robert Painter is a trial lawyer who founded Painter Law Firm PLLC in 2005. He has significant litigation experience in the areas of medical malpractice, personal injury, and complex commercial disputes. Mr. Painter devotes his practice to catastrophic injury and death cases, brain injuries and business litigation.
Mr. Painter was previously associated with Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP, a mega-firm where he represented hospital systems, hospitals, and health care providers. Based on this experience he knows how defendants evaluate and defend cases, and he applies that knowledge as a tool to help his clients seek justice.
Prior to law school, Mr. Painter served as a U.S. Army officer. He completed the Officer Basic Course at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and then was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for two years as a hospital administrator. Mr. Painter’s medical school and hospital administration experience equip him with unique insights that aid in his aggressive prosecution of medical malpractice cases for his clients.
Mr. Painter plays an active role in public policy and government as a frequent speaker, by providing expert testimony before legislative bodies and in advising parties and governments concerning good governance and a variety of strategic and legal issues. Mr. Painter lives in Houston with his wife (and law partner), Taunya, and their four children, Katherine, Theodore, Oliver, and Hazel.
Baylor University, J.D. (1999)
• Graded on to Baylor Law Review
• President, Harvey M. Richey Moot Court Society
Webster University, M.A., Public Administration (1995)
Marshall University, M.D. Candidate (1992-1993)
• U.S. Army Health Professions Scholarship (full scholarship)
• Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army
West Virginia University, B.A., Biology (1992)
• State of Texas (all state courts)
• U.S. Supreme Court
• U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
• U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas
• U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas
• U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas
• U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas
• Avvo Superb 10/10 rating
• Rising Star, Texas Super Lawyers magazine (2006, 2011)
• President''s Award, Houston Bar Association (2014)
• AV Rating, Martindale Hubbel (2011-present)
• Order of the Polar Star, awarded by His Excellency Tsakhia Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia (2013)
• Top Lawyers, Houstonia Magazine (2013)
• Houston’s Top Lawyers, H Texas Magazine (2008-2014)
• Texas Pro-Life Lawyer of the Year, Texas Right to Life (2008)
• Houston’s Top Lawyers for the People, H Texas Magazine (2008-2010)
• Award of Distinction/Pinnacle Award (for Painter Law Firm PLLC), Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas (2008-2014)
Bar Activities
• Editor-in-Chief, The Houston Lawyer magazine (2013-2015)
• Editorial Board, Texas Bar Journal (2014-present)
• Fellow, Texas Bar Foundation (2013-present)
• Board Member, Houston Bar Association Litigation Section (2010-2012)
• American Association for Justice, member of International Relations Committee & Voter Protection Committee (2014-present)
• Board Member, Texas Trial Lawyers Association• Houston Trial Lawyers Association
• State Bar of Texas
• Houston Bar Association
• Houston Northwest Bar Association
Community Service
• Chairman of the Board of Directors, Texas Repertory Theatre (2014-present)
• Chairman of the Board of Directors, Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce (2011)
• Board of Directors, The Crown College (2012-present)
• Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bellwether Forum (a nonprofit organization that provides political, campaign and public policy programs in the U.S. and abroad) (2002-present)
• Deacon Board, Christchurch Baptist Fellowship (Chairman, 2008-2009 & 2012)
• Board of Directors, Leadership Houston (2011-2013, Vice Chairman 2013)
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