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Often to my blog (and on the channel), there are a lot of questions regarding the catalyst, and some readers in the head have many more delusions. One of them (for example) - that if you remove this part of the muffler, then it is very bad for the car, it will literally get up and refuses to go! I decided to answer all the questions at once, so we will say today: - Is it worth removing it or not (what are the pros and cons of such manipulation), what will be the consumption after cutting, whether it is necessary to flash the ECU (and what it threatens), well, A few words about "deceiving". In general, it will be interesting, as usual video version at the end ...
At the very beginning I want to say - that this node is not something important for the car, yes, "a lot of stones" will fly into me, they say - what are you saying, but what about ecology? But if you leake all the exclamations of "green", then the car without a catalyst - will work better, the flow will be lower, well, and the power will grow slightly.
What do you need a catalyst
But that your car goes out normally, you need to "flash" under the reduced ecological class (usually this is Euro2) or put a snap. Otherwise, the program in the ECU will not give you normally ride.
Firmware under Euro2 and cheating - what does this mean?
As I wrote from above - the second oxygen sensor (lower lambda) controls harmful emissions. Their number is now rigidly regulated by the European standards, which were called "Euro", I will not talk about the euro "0-1" that we are interested in exactly the second generation.
So what is Euro2 . Introduced it for a long time, namely in 1996. At that time, the cars received an innovative system, namely the catalyst. As we all know with you, over time, he can be clogged, and the fuel then it was not like now, there was a lot of sulfur in it, which contributed to the honeycomb, much faster, and as we know with you, the car began to choke himself. Then the engineers set the oxygen sensor, it was only one, and was needed to capture CO2 in the chamber in front of the catalytic neutralizer.
If the CO2 level has increased, it indirectly said that the catalyst was driving (that is, the effect of backpressure is manifested)) the sensor sent this information to the ECU and the ignition adjustment occurred, namely the decrease in the supply of the fuel mixture. Thus, the power was much falling, the car was not driving and the owner of the "Will-Neil" had to go to a hundred and change this spare part.
But as we know the price tag with you, to put it mildly - high, so many owners simply removed these cells and the power was restored!
But how? Yes, everything is simple, the CO2 level in the chamber in front of the neutralizer was much fallen, the oxygen sensor was fixed (that everything is in order) and the car went cheerfully and not forced. It satisfied that all, but not ecologists! Therefore, they introduced the standard Euro3 (Now there is already a standard EURO5). What has changed, yes, a second oxygen sensor appeared (lower lambda) behind the catalyst. The principle of operation here is - The first lambda (in front of the filter) fixes the level of harmful substances, the second (after it) must fix the level of much smaller, because harmful substances decomposed.
If you remove catalyst cells , both sensors will fix the same values \u200b\u200b("second" makes information in the ECU), so it will burn Check Engine, the power will fall, the car does not go. Now it does not solve the problem.
What is done by firmware under Euro2? The firmware is changing in the ECU, instead of the norms of EURO3.4, the norms of Euro2 are put. The essence of all these actions is banal - just turn off the second bottom lambda (only one top) remains), the car starts riding as it should be, without increasing the power.
But such interventions in the firmware are not quite good. The thing is that they are not produced by manufacturers themselves, but "folk craftsmen", okay that the second "lambda" is simply turned off, that is, just adjusting the testimony. And maybe this programmer wants to lay some non-clear algorithms in the ECU, the motor will not benefit from this. Here you need to be very careful.
Therefore, they found the second output, and as I think it is more correct - setting the decking. What is cheating - In essence, it is a "space" in front of the second oxygen sensor, it seems to move it to a greater distance from exhaust gases, it fixes more oxygen and starts working fine.
Now there are several options for sniffs:
- Empty . It is just a tube with a very thin hole at the end (the part that screws into the muffler), the oxygen sensor is screwed on the other side. Through it passes limited quantity harmful substances from exhaust, no exceeds and therefore Check does not burn.
- With mini catalyst inside . That is, right in the "spacer" are like mini cells, which also purify the exhaust for fixing normal values.
- Corner . These are both described on top of the view, only they are made by an angle at 90 degrees, are needed for complex places.
The advantages of the bellows, is what you do not need to climb into the computer and change the standard firmware, as well as the price (knocked out the cell, screwed the decking and everything, you can meet at 3000 - 5000 rubles).
Fuel consumption
After you deleted this filter, many torments the question of fuel consumption - he will grow or not? Of course, he will fall (I think so), who did not say. Let's think logically - if there is this filter element, it represents an obstacle that needs to be overcome by spent gases, and accordingly, the engine will spend more effort to push them (consumption slightly increases). If this element is not, then "testing" will be much easier - fuel saves.
Of course, you should not expect some kind of global economy, it is usually about 3% (maximum), but it is worth noting that the consumption will fall a little.
Pros and Cons Removal
I prepared a small tablet with pluses and minuses what will happen if you remove the catalyst
An increase in harmful substances in the exhaust, a decrease in the environmental component | No need to buy a new catalyst, because it stands very much |
The smell of exhaust, becomes much toxic, sometimes this exhaust penetrates the car (it smells unpleasant) | A slight increase in power (really small in the level of error, about 3%) |
Sound exhaust. After knocking out the catalyst honeycomb, it is desirable to put the plane sensor otherwise there will be a ringing sound from empty "banks" (especially at high speed) | You can install instead of empty banks, plus to power (as stated at the "level place") |
You need to put either a snap, or a new firmware under Euro2 | Reducing fuel consumption (also about 3%) |
Increase resource power aggregatebecause ceramic dust can get into the combustion chambers and prematurely wear it |
As you can see the advantages a little more, the most significant is the price of all this alterations (delete will stand at times, if not dozens times cheaper).
Now video version, look.
In conclusion, I would like to say to clean the catalyst - not right away from the point of view of ecology. After all, our planet is so dirty, and so you make it even dirtier!
This end, I think this material will help you right choice. Sincerely your autobalkher.
»Let's talk about how at home to remove the catalytic neutralizer, which is most often called the catalyst, avoiding the troubles that sometimes arise. I started briefly I want to say a few words about what a catalyst is for what it is needed and Why delete it.
What is a catalyst and what is it needed for?
Catalyst (catalytic neutralizer) - a device designed to make the exhaust of the car less toxic. The catalyst is a small container, which contains a ceramic filter with fine holes in the form of cells. It is in these cells that neutralizing the cutting of the fuel residues, which was not fully burned in the combustion chamber. The installation of catalysts is required, so every car, which today comes from the conveyor, is equipped with this device.
Why delete catalyst?
Removal of the catalyst, most often forced measure, but sometimes the "catalyst" is removed to be improved graduation system. A faulty catalyst creates a lot of unpleasant problems in the form of errors that light up on the panel, as well as a significant deterioration in the dynamic testimony of the car. For the condition of the catalyst and the correctness of its work, the so-called lambda probe or oxygen sensor monitors. The sensor monitors the consistency of the exhaust, in the case of the inoperability of the catalyst, the composition of the exhaust changes, to which "lambda" immediately reacts and reports this corresponding error, most often ".
The repair of the catalytic neutralizer is not possible, in case of its failure, it is necessary to completely remove the faulty catalyst, and install a new one in its place. Remove the catalyst for the reason that the cost of the new is rather high, therefore, in case of its malfunction, a plane sensor and a deception of the oxygen sensor is installed in its place.
Why is the catalyst fail?
There is a lot of reasons why the catalyst fails. This may be a blow, as a result of which the integrity of the ceramic filler is disturbed, or the melting of cells as a result of a malfunction of the motor. So cells of the catalyst can be clogged due to the fact that the engine "eats oil", the remains of the oil fall on the cells and clog thin catalyka holes, after which these places are burning and completely clogged with a catalyst. As a result, the motor ceases to "breathe", the thrust is deteriorating, the flow rate is increasing, etc.
Often decreases the catalyst bad fuel. If a fuel is poor, then the catalyst is the first to report this in the form of an error. Over time, this will turn into the need to replace or completely remove the catalyst. Also very often malfunction is dictated big mileage, for example, if the odometer is more than 150 thousand km. Run, you should not be surprised that you are scored with a catalyst. Rarely there are cases when the car after such a run had no problem with this node.
How to remove the catalyst at home?
To remove the catalyst you need a bit:
- Flamesteller;
- Bulgarian;
- Welding machine;
- And, of course, the ability to work with all the above tools.
Attention! Before you begin to remove the catalyst, you must perform a number of verification for its fault. Removing the catalyst without prior diagnosis can turn into an empty spending time and money.
- So where to start? And you need to begin with dismantling the problem catalyst. I think how to remove the catalyst does not need to be described, there is nothing difficult here. In addition, on each auto this process will be different.
- After the catalyst is dismantled, proceed to cutting. You can cut both along and across, the most important thing to make a cut as careful and miniature as possible. After the body is opened calmly removes a ceramic filler. If you remove the upper catalyst (the one that is closer to the motor), then the plane sensor is not necessary, but if it is lower, then the installation of the flame relief is required.
- Next is set by the flamesecaker, it can be made, and you can buy ready. We establish the plane sensor, after which everyone welds a durable seam.
- Upon completion of all works, a lambda probe is deceived. Flacks are different: mechanical, electronic, etc., it all depends on who deletes and for which methodology, and there are a lot of them. In some cases, it is necessary to "pick up in the brain" of the engine in order to rebuild the upgraded exhaust system.
- After completing all the work, you must build in the reverse order.
Let's summarize
Removal of catalyst You can not feel, many describe it in different ways. Some say that the feeling as if there was a trailer or anchor from which it got rid of, others say that the car had a second breathing, but unites all of their one - a significant improvement in dynamic indicators as well. I note that the removal of the catalyst is an extreme measure that is extremely unwanted if the motor works as it should. In addition, if the financial opportunity allows you to perform a full-fledged replacement of the catalyst to a new one, then it is better to do this that way, in this case you do not have to interfere with the work of the exhaust system, as well as the "brain" of your car. No deckures and other "bindings", without which it is not necessary when the catalyst is removed.
I have everything, I hope, the principle is understandable!? I wish you good luck in the performance of the works described above, thank you for visiting new meetings on the site.
Many modern cars are equipped with a catalyst, the main purpose of which is the improvement of the machine's environmental performance. Today, norms of PO environmental safety In Russia, not strict as in Europe, respectively, car owners can cut a catalyst, improving the power characteristics of the car, and they will be delivered from the need to replace this expensive node. Let's talk about whether it is necessary to remove catalysts in the car and what advantages have such a completion of the car.
The car catalyst has a special cellular design and consists of rare-earth metals, which at high temperatures react with heavy metals present by the exhaust, precipitate them, improving engine environmental performance. During operation, the catalyst accounts for an increased load, including high temperatures, that leads to frequent breakdowns This node. It should be said that due to the use of rare-earth metals such a catalyst, regardless of the model of the car, for which it is intended, will have high costAccordingly, the repair of the car will result in the cost of the owner.
The service life of the catalyst usually does not exceed 100,000 kilometers, and with the active operation of the car, this node may require repair and full replacement Already after 50,000 kilometers of run. It should also be considered the fact that the catalyst consists of ceramic cells that may fail in mechanical damage. Therefore, the catalyst breakage is a frequent phenomenon, and car owners often have to change such expensive parts.
The use of the catalyst allows not only to improve engine environmental performance, but also reduces the power characteristics. Accordingly, removing the catalyst from the exhaust system, you will not only be able to reduce operating costs on your car, but also improve the power and dynamics of the machine. At the same time, there will be no significant deterioration in the car environmental performance indicators, and the machine will easily fit into the current ecology norms currently in Russia.
Let's talk more about how to correctly remove the catalyst from the car. The fact is that simply cut from the exhaust system such item is impossible. In most cars, catalysts have special sensors from which the signals come to the central computer, after which the brains of the car make a decision to change the parameters of the fuel mixture. Therefore, cutting out the catalyst, we will face certain difficulties, namely the engine, without receiving the corresponding signals from the sensors in the catalyst, simply stops working correctly. It is necessary to install special bevels for lambda probes, which will allow to ensure the correct operation of the car engine.
To independently remove the catalyst you will need:
Welding machine.
The exhaust system is dismantled with a car, cut the main jar of the muffler, manually remove a catalyst with a ceramic filler, set new flamesakers, a snag and connect them to sensors. After this bank of the muffler is brewed, and the exhaust system is installed on the car. Despite the seeming simplicity, these work is often difficult to fulfill. In this case, we recommend that you contact the specialized workshops, where the relevant services are offered, and the cost of such removal of the catalyst is at an affordable level.
Remember that simply throw out catalysts, not even the failed. This spare part contains various rare-earth metals that have a high cost. Therefore, you can sell a catalyst into specialized firms that are engaged in their buying. Often selling such a catalyst, you can not only recoup all work on its removal, but even earn.
Conducting such a removal of the catalyst can be improved. dynamic characteristics car. In some cases, the dynamics of acceleration improves by 5-10%, the fuel consumption decreases, and in this case, the cost of car maintenance is reduced. It is not surprising that today many car owners, taking into account all the advantages of performing this work, remove catalysts from their cars, and subsequently, without any difficulties, operate machines with improved dynamic characteristics.
Disadvantages of catalyst removal
With the right to carry out this work, any problems with the operation of the car does not occur. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that with the incorrectly deleted catalyst, in particular when installing a poor-quality debris, the engine control unit can receive incorrect signals from the sensors, which in turn will increase the fuel consumption and other problems in the engine. That is why you trust such a catalyst removal is best to specialists who have experience with specifically by your car, which will allow them in a short time to properly hold such modernization of your car.
Experts recommend to carry out such work to remove the catalyst in the exhaust system, as soon as the first signs of failure of this node appear. Therefore, as soon as the diagnosis showed problems with the catalyst, you can cut it by installing the appropriate bending, which will save you from the need for expensive repairs.
Removing the catalyst from the exhaust system of the car will improve the power indicators of the car, while the car owner is completely relieved of the need to replace this expensive node. Remember only the fact that such a job to remove the catalyst is best carried out in a specialized workshop, the master in which has the appropriate work experience, and will be able to properly perform such a repair by ensuring the selection of car use.
The catalytic converter in the car is used to reduce the toxicity of the used engine exhaust gases, but in russian conditions The element of the exhaust system is often clogged with a slag and fails.
New catalysts are expensive, and many car owners try to get rid of the catalytic neutralizer (KN), to establish "deceiving" instead. It is necessary to cut this element, and what happens after removing the catalyst, we will look at this article.
Cable catalyst removal
After ordering, the KN delivers the owner of the car a lot of problems. The neutralizer is crooked and slag clogged creates excess resistance exhaust gasesBecause of this, the engine power is reduced, fuel consumption significantly increases. It is impossible to ride with a faulty catalyst, the car has to put on the repair. The car owner has two exits from the position:
- install a new neutralizer;
- cut the element that came into disrepair, leaving either an empty bank, or a booze instead of the catalyst, the plane arrester.
Removing the CN has its own minuses:
- raises the level of CO in exhaust gases;
- in the area of \u200b\u200bfinding a flame arrester or an empty bank, an unpleasant ring appears;
- depending on the settings of the electronic engine control system, fuel consumption may increase;
- after removing the catalyst in modern fuel systems, electronics issues errors that need to be eliminated.
On many modern electronic engine control systems, various sensors are installed, following the composition of the fuel mixture. Oxygen sensors (lambda probes) always go paired with a catalyst, and two sensors are usually installed:
- the first of them stands before the catalyst can, it adjusts the fuel supply and gives a signal to the engine control unit;
- the second lambda probe stands after the catalyst, it serves to diagnose - determines the qualitative composition of exhaust gases.
If in such an exhaust system, remove the CN, the toxicity of exhaust gases will be higher than the norm, and the diagnostic sensor will give a signal to exceed CO in the outlet path. The control unit will receive a signal and report an error driver - after removing the catalyst on the instrument panel, the Check Engine warning lamp will light up.
Fuel consumption after the removal of the catalyst
Many car owners often ask a question - can increase fuel consumption after the catalyst removal? If the catalytic neutralizer was simply cut out, the lambda probe mounted after the catalyst insert will signal an error, and the computer will translate the fuel system to the emergency mode:
- the engine will lose power;
- fuel consumption will increase.
But the autoarennors learned to deceive the system - they reflash the control unit, exclude from the chain of the second Lamd probe. Electronics "believes" that there is no second sensor in the system, so the error information does not appear, and the engine internal combustion Works normal. With the "deceiving" fuel consumption after removing the catalyst, almost the same as with a catalytic neutralizer, the only difference - the release of toxic substances into the atmosphere with the carved CN increases.
When a faulty catalyst is removed from the car exhaust system, the machine "comes to life" - the speaker appears. In order to remove errors in the ECD (electronic control system), the block is overwheed under Euro-2. In Russia, there is still such a system that the ecology standards are not so tough as in Europe. If only one lambda probe on the catalyst is installed in the system (in front of the bank), the emptying of the ECU is not required.
The catalyst changes in the event that it fails and does not give the engine to work in normal mode. Conventional increased smoke is observed on vehicles with a faulty neutralizer, and after removal of the KN smoke disappears. Nevertheless, often car owners complain that the car smokes and after removing the catalyst. The reasons for such a phenomenon may be several:
- no flashing is made, and "deception" is not installed after removing the KN;
- there are malfunctions in Esud (one of the sensors does not work), there are problems with the control unit itself;
- floored piston rings;
- the ignition advance angle is not adjusted (it is installed too late).
If from the muffler pipe going black smoke - this means that fuel mixture Enriched, passing fuel. As a rule, black smoke clubs from the pipe fly when harsh pressed On the gas pedal, if you unscrew the spark plugs, they will be in black raid.
In modern systems, the ignition advance angle is regulated using diagnostic equipment - Laptops, automotive scanners. The reason for the reservoir of the fuel and the appearance of black smoke from the silencer may be the failure of the sensors:
- air flow;
- absolute pressure;
- camshaft positions.
If the unstable operation of the motor is accompanied size smoke from the muffler, the malfunction is not related to fuel system And the silencer, the cause of increased smoke should be simmeted in the piston group:

Sound after removal of the catalyst
Often, after removal of the catalyst, the engine operation is accompanied by an unpleasant sound emanating from the exhaust system. The reason for this sound can be:
- hollowness inside the bank - ceramics from the catalyst cut out, and the iron case was brewed and simply installed in place;
- the installed flame arrester is not proper quality, it is too "empty";
- when removing the catalyst, the housing was poorly brewed, it is notchive, and therefore sees;
- when installing the flame relief, the elements of the exhaust system did not docile poorly.
In order not to redo job, it is better to immediately install high-quality flamesakers, just a boiled empty bank of the catalyst will not last long and will deliver a lot of hassle:
- the smell of exhaust gases will fall into the salon;
- there will be an unpleasant sound under the hood;
- bank will quickly proceed from high temperature.
Often, motorists are asked a question - is it necessary to remove the catalyst? Some drivers believe that the hole in the KN ceramics adds power to the engine, improves the car dynamics. These arguments are incorrect - only a faulty catalyst is needed, if the CO level is normal, it is better not to touch the KN.
You can remove the catalyst with your own hands, but welding equipment and Bulgarian will be needed to perform work.
On many modern cars The main catalyst is welded with a graduate manifold, and is it part of. To remove ceramics from such a BN, you need:

It should be borne in mind that such a measure is temporary, for normal operation of the engine, it is necessary to install a flame arrester, and even better - a new catalyst.
The struggle of automotive engineers for the environment led to the emergence of automobiles of aggregates, which are not used for movement, but reduce the level of contamination of the atmosphere. Among them and the catalytic neutralizer, which is often called the catalyst in the people. The metal bank with the system of ceramic honeycombs inside "survives" exhaust gases and reduces the harmfulness of the car exhaust. Alas, but this item is not eternal, sooner or later (in Russian realities, rather early) the catalyst is clogged, its cells are destroyed, and it not only ceases to perform its functions, but also prevents the engine to work. The question arises about the replacement.
Pros and cons of flamestellers
Purely theoretically, it is possible to replace the faulty catalyst to a new one, however, such a replacement will be covered in a round sum. Catalysts are very expensive - can cost up to quarter market value Used cars. But there are models that have several catalysts installed, and everyone needs to change in case of breakdown. Naturally, few people resort to such spending, the main part of the car owners prefers more a budget option Solutions of the problem - installation instead of the slave catalyst.
The advantages of this approach are obvious:
1. Lower price. Replace the catalyst by the flamesecite may cost 5-10 times cheaperthan buy a new cat. Here comments are too.
2. Little engine increase and decrease fuel consumption. The globator creates less resistance to exhaust gases than the catalyst, the engine with it is better "breathing", which means it adds in power. True, the increase, as well as the economy of fuel, is not very large - about 5-10%. Most drivers will not feel it. Specially removing the catalyst for the sake of increasing power is not worth it, but those who still have decided on this procedure, improving the characteristics of the engine is a small bonus.
3. Reducing the requirements for fuel quality. The catalyst is sharply reacting to the "pumped" gasoline and often precisely because of it fails. The plane arrester does not have this. This does not mean that after the replacement, it is possible to refuel on dubious refills, but also to worry about the expensive and fragile part when using unfamiliar benzocolones do not have to.
Cons There are also:
1. First of all, ecology. If you are proud that your car pollutes little environment, then after replacing the catalyst on the plane sensor, you need to stop doing this, because the former Euro-4 or Euro-5 has no money. In Europe, by the way, for it can punish, but in Russia the situation is easier.
2. Need to flash the ECU. Electronic system Management is designed to use the catalyst and will begin to go crazy without it. When using a flame arrester, at least you need to put the blesses on oxygen sensors, and at best, reflash the engine.
3. Reducing the resource. Even a good plane sensor with a task of lowering the exhaust temperature copes worse than the catalyst, so the risk that the silencer prohibit rises. On the other hand, money that will save the plane sensor, you can not change one silencer.
Phased catalyst replacement process
The benefits of catalyst replacement are obvious, but we would not say that it is so easy. As the famous character from the "Lord of the Rings" would say - it is impossible to take and replace the catalyst. Well, if you managed to find a plane sensor installed in the regular place of your car model. But it is not always possible, it is not always possible, most often have to deal with universal flamestellers that need to be customized on the place, or even make a plane sensor independently. For people without experience with the grinder and welding for replacement, it is better not to take.
Step 1. . Catalysts are trunk (embedded in exhaust tract Under the bottom of the car) and collector, located directly in the graduate manifold. The first to remove is simpler, especially if the design implies the mounting on the bolts and they managed to unscrew (given the location and conditions of the catalyst operation, this turns out not always). If there are no bolts or they are tightly bought, there is a Bulgarian to move. The second requires dismantling the exhaust manifold, which increases the complexity of the process.
Step 2. Selecting a planegress. The offer on the market of the plane sensors is sufficient, it is possible to consider the details and cheaper, and the shall. More or less decent is the products of companies "Fox", "Valker", "Bazal", "Ernst", "Tesh" and Russian "MG-RACE", but, in general, most importantly, the plane sensor was two-layer, brand is not so important.
However, the plane sensor is so simple assembly that it can be done himself. Cut the body from the catalyst, knock out the entire stuffing from it, and instead, insert a piece of perforated pipe instead, to sew the body from the inside with a heat-resistant, sound-absorbing material (for example, basalt fiber), brew and the plane sensor is ready. For money, such an aggregate will be very cheap, but it's only those who know how to use the welding machine for independent production of the flamevet. As practice shows, the most popular breakdown in the flamestellers, which burst the welded seam.
Homemade Flamesteller - inside the "Shtrek" grid
Step 3. Installing the flamesteller. If we are not talking about products that are precisely calculated under regular places, then for the installation of flamestellers has use a combination of bolts, welding and smelling. This is not that it is very difficult, but it is necessary to measure and customize the sizes, think over the location, especially if we are talking about collector flamestellers. In addition, no manufacturer describes such a procedure in official reference materials, so you need to look for information in additional sources.
In the photo: The flamesetter inserts into the catalyst housing and welded
Step 4. Correction of electronics. In order for the car to work correctly with the flamesector, it is necessary to make a deck or emulator for the second, or completely reflash the motor. Fooling it is a neutralizer in a miniature, it "filters" a piece of exhaust, which falls into the sensor, showing that it all is good, the emulator simply transmits the values \u200b\u200binto the engine that it expects it from it, while not conducting real measurements. Facials and emulators can not work, but a good alternative firmware almost always solves the problem after installing the flamesecaker.
Mechanical cheating on the lambda probe
Question price
How expensive to replace the catalyst by the plane arrester? The aggregates themselves relatively inexpensive - from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles, depending on the brand and design. The manufacture of a flame sensor is hardly possible to save, but this replacement is probably better suitable for a specific car model than something universal. This is especially true for machines with powerful motors.
Prices in replacement services depend on the region and car brand. In Moscow, for such a service, 6-8 thousand rubles are assessed on average (although the price variation is very large). Separately, it will be necessary to pay extra for the installation of the decking or flashing. In the regions standard price Such a service is 3.5-5 thousand rubles.
Original catalysts cost from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, so in case of a problem with them, it is very reasonable to pay attention to the flamestellers (it may be cheaper 10 times!). Savings are obvious, and the replacement can be carried out or in most services, the main thing later do not forget to reflash the engine.
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