- Агуулгын шошго

Өнөөдөр хүмүүсийн хамгийн их дурлаж үзэж байгаа видеонууд-Хайр энэрэл, гэгээрэлийн тухай байна. Хүмүүс түүгээр их л дутаж байдаг ажгуу...

Эхний видео:

"Video that will change your life. 

I have no words left."

Дараах видео:

“True Move H” компани өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт “YouTube” сайт дээр гурван минутын сурталчилгаа байршуулжээ. Одоогоор уг бичлэгийг 12 сая гаруй хүн орж үзээд байгаа аж.

Published on Sep 11, 2013.TrueMove H always believed that " communication is the best " , we communicate through television commercials . The story in this film . Reflect the concept of TrueMove H brand that believes ... giving without hope of return was the beginning of the real .The plot was inspired . Stories from social media . Tells a story of hope for the return . Miraculously , however, get some consideration .Because it is . Communication is the best . Even without saying a word. But the most powerful communication .TrueMove H believes in the power of giving without expecting a return. And is committed to developing new communications technologies for the Thailand to create opportunities and improve the quality of life Thailand . Every communication. Connected to each other endlessly .TrueMove H live independent lives .

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