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Pall Halldorsson is an ex rally driver and off-roading enthusiast. Working for the Icelandic Mercedes shop he got the crazy idea to see if this was possible.
Pall says managers from the Mercedes Benz cargo division in Germany have kept an eye on the work done. They haven't made any serious objections even though the Sprinter now uses parts and equipment not usually found in the car.
2007 Mercedes Benz Sprinter 318 CDI
Its got an automatic transmission, seat suspension, heated front windshield, two heating systems and other nice features in a package that only weighs 2220 kg.
The rear has plenty of options for sheet metal cutting to make space for the larger tires.
VHF radio and NMT phone, GPS system and more are all installed separately.
The first lift to get started with the Sprinter project.
Everything under the van must GO!
The transmission is put into a housing from a Vito 4x4.
These things are not needed any longer.
An extensive rebuilt has to be done. New seats for the engine...
Seats for the front and rear coil spring suspension.
Four link suspension brackets and bars welded into place.
Pall even has to lift a part of the floor and cut out a support beam to make room for the
transfer case and transmission.
Not much left on under-carriage.
Even the fuel tank is modified ...
...and an extra 150 liter tank is added. The tanks are connected for filling...
...and these hoses are used to get the fuel back into the main tank.
A lot of work is to make the van capable of supporting the new axles by welding
in strengthening bars where needed.
The custom built rear hitch...
...and the custom built front bumper bar with light brackets and a winch receiver.
All these pieces are poly-coated and fitted in place.
The sheet metal cutting is extensive.
Finally standing on all four wheels again, this time a LOT bigger. 44 inch Dick Cepec Fun County tires on custom modified and poly-coated 16.5x15 inch wheels.
The rims have a quick release valve.
Still more cutting needed in the front.
All the cutting needs to be rebuilt to bring strength back into the body.
A separate step for the sliding door entrance is added.
A Nissan Patrol steering box is fitted as well as a custom built steering arm.
In addition the steering box is drilled for a special steering jack.
Hard to recognize the oil pan after the modifications.
The rear suspension in place.before painting.
Rear driveshaft could be used with minor mods but a new front driveshaft is in place.
All brakes have to be installed and new brake lines fitted.
Rubber blocks for the new suspension with the proper brackets to hold in place
that also serve as coil seats.
All shocks have new seats welded in place with poly-coated finish. Both upper...
...and lower.
Finished rear setup looks pretty impressive.
Mercedes Benz Sprinter On 44 Inch Tires
Looks promising - although the fender flares are jet to be fitted.
The fender flares are Mitsubishi Pajero 44 inch and don't seem to need that much
modification to fit nicely.
The sliding door needs to move out to clear the tires and flares.
A new shifter for the transfer case.
Standing side by side with an unmodified Mercedes Benz Sprinter the difference is obvious.
The fender flares in place.
Only the front plastic sheeting needs to be shortened to make room for the flares.
As a final touch for the look, Pall finds a spoiler he can rebuild to fit the van.
With the spoiler painted and in place.
The speedometer sensor - hopefully it gives the right signal.
Custom built sidesteps have to be well supported.
Final touches are done with an extra strong glue from W�rth.
Pall Halldorsson himself working on the Sprinter conversion.
After using the converted Sprinter for a while and asked about the fuel economy, Pall is pretty happy: "With an average of 16 liters/100 km I can't complain". Compared to the massive size and space the Sprinter offers as well as the tire size this is really surprising.
Crossing the glacial river Krossa is not too hard for the Sprinter. You can see how deep it is by the fact that the 44 inch tires are completely under water.
4x4 Off Roads!
What does Pall see as the major pros of the final outcome: "The best thing is the size and relatively light weight due to the nonexistent frame leading to less fuel consumption. In addition it can carry a lot of gear and passengers when needed and it is easy to access.
Mercedes Benz Sprinter 44 Inch Modification:
Make: 2007 Mercedes Benz Sprinter 318 CDIWeight: 3.180 kg
Engine: OM 642 DE30LA V-6, 184 hp, 135 kW
2987 cc. 400 Nm/1600-2600 rpm, Euro 4
Transmission: 5 step automatic
Transfer case: Borg Warner 1345
Extra transfer case: New Process 205
Axles: Dana 60, reverse in front and full float rear
Gear ratio: 5.13
Lockers: ARB air lockers front and rear
Tires: Dick Cepek 44x15"
Wheels: 16.5x15"
Fuel tanks: 100 l standard + 150 liter extra tank
Suspension: OME coils and shocks
Lift: 10"
Communications: VHF radio and NMT phone
Navigation: Garmin 130
Additional equipment: Laptop notebook, 220 v Inverter, Fini air pump,
oil heater, heated windshield, extra battery,
180 A alternator, air horns, search light,
auxiliary lights, marquise, electric step,
suspended front seats, roof visor.
Modified by: Pбll, Siggi, Aron, Biggi, Benni, Гsi, Rуbert,
Бgъst, Halldуr, Hilmar, Bjцssi, Jуi and others
Jeppaюjуnustan Breytir
Jeppasmiрjan Ljуnsstцрum
- See more at: http://www.4x4offroads.com/mercedes-benz-sprinter-44-inch-2.html#sthash.GCqEmRaw.dpuf
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