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The average American household spends $1,400 each year on energy bills [source: Forbes].
Home heating and cooling systems are responsible use about 45 percent
of the energy. Lighting takes up another significant chunk, especially
if you're slow to switch to efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. But some of the most energy-hungry machines making your electric bill creep higher every month are your electronic devices.
Take a look at your TV, for example. Maybe you recently splurged on one of those 40-inch (102-centimeter) plasma TVs, which requires 350 watts of energy to run. Connected to the TV is an Xbox 360 (187 watts), a PlayStation 3 (197 watts) and a digital video recorder (DVR) (33 watts) [source: CNET]. Wonder where your money's going each month? Straight into that black hole of energy consumption in your living room. Luckily, electronics manufacturers are designing equipment, appliances and gadgets that are more energy efficient.
Energy conserving electronics are not only better for our wallets, but better for the environment. More than half the electricity in the United States comes from coal-burning power plants [source: American Society of Mechanical Engineers]. Even a brand-new coal-burning power plant sends out
This house is as simple as its floor plan,
but perfect. It’s just a generous and practical home with plenty of
space for every member of your family. And the extra balcony makes it
very special and attractive.
It is a number of advantages that make the difference to all other producers of prefabricated houses.
Safety glazing, energy pass, smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher, snow stops and safety hooks on the roof and aluminium rolling shutters are already included in the EnergyLine Package.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives a perfect scope of delivery a home.
Take a look at your TV, for example. Maybe you recently splurged on one of those 40-inch (102-centimeter) plasma TVs, which requires 350 watts of energy to run. Connected to the TV is an Xbox 360 (187 watts), a PlayStation 3 (197 watts) and a digital video recorder (DVR) (33 watts) [source: CNET]. Wonder where your money's going each month? Straight into that black hole of energy consumption in your living room. Luckily, electronics manufacturers are designing equipment, appliances and gadgets that are more energy efficient.
Energy conserving electronics are not only better for our wallets, but better for the environment. More than half the electricity in the United States comes from coal-burning power plants [source: American Society of Mechanical Engineers]. Even a brand-new coal-burning power plant sends out
- 6 million tons (5.4 million metric tons) of carbon dioxide each year,
- 1,200 tons (1,089 metric tons) of sulfur dioxide and 1,600 tons (1,452 metric tons) of nitrogen oxide [source: Las Vegas Sun]. These chemicals not only deplete the ozone layer but contribute to acid rain and respiratory illness in children and the elderly.

This house features:
Preis Ausbauhaus: € 127,753- Plenty of room outside on the terrace on the ground floor
- The sun is best enjoyed on the balcony
- 41.1 cm wall construction (concept "EnergyLine")
- 3-pane-energy saving windows (concept "EnergyLine")
- Additional insulation of roof and ceilings (concept "EnergyLine")
- 17 cm floor construction on the ground and first floor
- This VARIO-HAUS reaches super-low energy standard, surpassing the requirements of the Austrian housing subsidies
- Other construction concepts, such as EnergyLine Plus, PassivhausLine and VitaThermLine are available
- Because of its modular concept the floor plan of this house can easily be changed
- Special requests are welcome, e.g. bay windows, balconies, garages, porches and carports. Let yourself be inspired.
- Available in “Bare-bone house” version, “Flooring and electric, sanitary and heating installations” version and “Turnkey house” version
- Gabled roof 32°
- Built in timber frame construction in our plant in Wr. Neustadt, Austria.
- Depending on your wishes: shed roof, gable roof, flat roof or hipped roof available.
- Optimized for housing subsidies in your state
- Safety glazing, energy pass, smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher included
- Planning work and energy certificate are free.
Floor Plan GF
Plan upper floor
Family III
Built-up area | 81.81 m² |
Net floor space GF | 65.78 m² |
Net floor space UF | 57.08 m² |
Total net floor space | 122.86 m² |
Bare-bone house* | € 127,753 |
Basic Installations* | € 152,678 |
Turnkey house* | € 178,922 |
10 Reasons to buy a VARIO-HAUS
It is a number of advantages that make the difference to all other producers of prefabricated houses.
1. More financial security and quality assurance
As partner for your new home we do not only
assure the quality of our products and services but also give financial
security. In fact there are five major points for our customers’ reassurance:
First a first class rating certificate, second a fix price guarantee, third the energy pass and fourthly, an insurance for the payment installments for one year, in case a customer is out of work. Last but not least the payment is directly connected step by step to the progress of the construction and assembly of your house.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives your life a secure home.
First a first class rating certificate, second a fix price guarantee, third the energy pass and fourthly, an insurance for the payment installments for one year, in case a customer is out of work. Last but not least the payment is directly connected step by step to the progress of the construction and assembly of your house.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives your life a secure home.
2. Low energy or passive house construction
For years VARIO-HAUS has pursued the
concept of developing and constructing homes that are not only totally
in accord with the spirit of protecting the climate and the environment
but also reduce energy consumption.
First class examples of the innovative abilities of VARIO-HAUS is the first prefabricated passive house VARIO-HAUS del Sole in the year 2000 and the introduction of VARIO-HAUS VISION – the active passive house – in 2010. The photovoltaic system on the roof generates more power per year than can be consumed by a four-person-household.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives innovation an energy saving home.
First class examples of the innovative abilities of VARIO-HAUS is the first prefabricated passive house VARIO-HAUS del Sole in the year 2000 and the introduction of VARIO-HAUS VISION – the active passive house – in 2010. The photovoltaic system on the roof generates more power per year than can be consumed by a four-person-household.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives innovation an energy saving home.
3. Excellent quality made in Austria
The product quality of VARIO-HAUS is
principally based on two pillars. On the one hand it’s the 100
craftsmen, technical staff, carpenters and master-builders who guarantee
the best artisan quality.
On the other hand it’s the production site, one of the most state-of-the-art in Europe. State of technology computer aided production machines guarantee precision by the millimeter and maximum quality of all prefabricated parts and components.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives first class quality a home.
On the other hand it’s the production site, one of the most state-of-the-art in Europe. State of technology computer aided production machines guarantee precision by the millimeter and maximum quality of all prefabricated parts and components.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives first class quality a home.
4. Energy saving construction: EnergyLine
The EnergyLine package
is standard and “all inclusive”. It includes a 41.1 cm wall
construction with an installation duct, three-pane-EnergyLine-windows,
improved heat insulation in the ceiling and roof area, 17 cm floor
construction on the ground and first floor, safety glazing, energy pass,
smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher plus complete planning and
price guarantee.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives superb quality “all inclusive” a home.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives superb quality “all inclusive” a home.
5. Individual building solutions – 100% customized
As the brand name VARIO-HAUS implies: 100 % variability and flexibility. Our homes are not off the shelf but as individually designed and constructed as possible.
Flexibility and variability in our thinking, planning and building is
our credo. It’s your wishes, dreams and ideas we want to realize, with
or without your architect.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives your individual ideas a home.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives your individual ideas a home.
6. 30 Years of know-how and thousands of customers
A building company without expert
experience in various building materials, building and house techniques,
fittings, decoration and equipment cannot have thousands of perfectly
satisfied customers. The know-how of working with specialists,
architects and above all the public authorities is an essential part of
the VARIO-HAUS scope of service.
Furthermore VARIO-HOUSE holds a number of certificates of excellence. For example the Austria Gütezeichen (Austrian Mark of Quality) and the prefabricated house mark of quality. 1997 the company has received the European approval conformity (ETZ). VARIO-BAU is also klima:aktiv partner in Austria.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives know-how and experience a home.
Furthermore VARIO-HOUSE holds a number of certificates of excellence. For example the Austria Gütezeichen (Austrian Mark of Quality) and the prefabricated house mark of quality. 1997 the company has received the European approval conformity (ETZ). VARIO-BAU is also klima:aktiv partner in Austria.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives know-how and experience a home.
7. Services as general contractor
All necessary building studies and services
are delivered by the VARIO-HAUS planning department: development
studies of the premises, official floor plans, the construction permit
as well as all administrative work before the erection.
The construction by VARIO-HAUS as general contractor from the basement up to the turn key house includes all supply lines and outside facilities. Structural calculation, calculation of the energy key figures and site management are also part of the job.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives the services you need a home.
The construction by VARIO-HAUS as general contractor from the basement up to the turn key house includes all supply lines and outside facilities. Structural calculation, calculation of the energy key figures and site management are also part of the job.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives the services you need a home.
8. Close to our customers
Customer proximity is a key word for
VARIO-HAUS. We do not only want to listen to your ideas, beliefs and
personal wishes but also give competent advice and information by our regional distribution partners or the VARIO-HAUS agents in our show houses .
VARIO-HAUS: Gives customer proximity a home.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives customer proximity a home.
9. VARIO-HAUS pays your rent for six months
After a purchase contract has been signed
and the financing is guaranteed by the bank in writing VARIO-HAUS will
take over your momentary lease costs for six months up to a certain
The quality of a solid financing of house building cannot only be assessed in Euros. Individual consultations, flexibility and a profound knowledge of all possible government grants are basic essentials for sound financing offers for your new home.
The VARIO-HAUS distribution partners and agents together with their partners from the “S-Wohnfinanz” are glad to prepare a full-service package for financing you new VARIO-HAUS home.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives financing of house building a home.
The quality of a solid financing of house building cannot only be assessed in Euros. Individual consultations, flexibility and a profound knowledge of all possible government grants are basic essentials for sound financing offers for your new home.
The VARIO-HAUS distribution partners and agents together with their partners from the “S-Wohnfinanz” are glad to prepare a full-service package for financing you new VARIO-HAUS home.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives financing of house building a home.
10. Perfect scope of delivery “all inclusive”
Development studies of the premises, detailed plans by the architects, plans for the basement, official floor plans, the construction permit as well as all administrative work before the erection are all included in the house price as well as the supervision during construction and assembly. Every customer will have his or her “personal construction manager”.Safety glazing, energy pass, smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher, snow stops and safety hooks on the roof and aluminium rolling shutters are already included in the EnergyLine Package.
VARIO-HAUS: Gives a perfect scope of delivery a home.

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