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Earth Generator, Home size power plant build
Газраас эрчим хүч үйлдвэрлэж болох уу?

        Туршиж үзэх гээд хараахан амжиж чaдаагүй байгаа нэг сонирхол татаад байгаа зүйл. 
Туршилт амжилттай болбол хөдөө амьдарч байгаа айлуудад өдөр шөнөгүй аккумулятороо цэнэглэх боломжтой болно. Уг нь ийм зүйл байдаг гэдэг боловч яг өөрөө туршиж үзээгүй байгаа.

Very amizing way to produce free energy: 15V 100A Free energy for your home!

Lay out 2 lines due north and south 10 foot apart and parallel and 150 feet long. Dig (or bore) 15 holes, 10 feet apart on each of these 2 lines. Use 2 inch copper on one line of 15 and 2 inch aluminum pipe or other line of 15. criss cross wire (in series) all 20 pipes. Each pair make one cell. 15 cells make 15 volts.(maybe a little more) Output can easily exceed 100 amps! Be ye careful. I use 12 guage to connect cells. 10 of these will run your house!

Гүүгл транслейт-д Монгол хэлийг оруулсан бүх хүмүүст баярлалаа гэж урам өгөөд энэ сэдвийг түүгээр орчуулснаа нийтэллээ. Бид нийтээрээ хичнээн сайн хэрэглэвэл орчуулах боломж, чадвар нь төчнөөн сайжирдаг учраас сайн хэрэглэж тэдэнд туслаарай. 
Google translate орчуулга:
Выложите 2 линии на север и на юг 10(304.80cm) футов друг от друга и параллельно и длиной 150(4572.0cm) футов. Копать 15 отверстий, 10(304.80cm) футов друг от друга на каждом из этих 2-х линий. Используйте 2-дюймовый(2,54см) меди на одной линии 15 и 2 дюйма(2,54см) алюминиевой трубы или другой линии 15. крест крест провод (последовательно) все 20 труб. Каждая пара сделать одну ячейку. 15 клетки делают 15 вольт. (Возможно немного больше) Выход может легко превысить 100 ампер! Будьте осторожны. Я использую 12 GUAGE чтобы объединить две соседние клетки. 10 из них будут работать ваш дом!

Google translate орчуулга/утгын засварууд хийсэн/:

Хойноосоо урагшаа чиглэсэн хоорондоо 10 фут(304.80cm) зайтай 150(4572.0cm) фут урт зэрэгцээ 2 шулуун газар дээр зурна. Параллел хоёр шугам бүр дээрээ арван тав арван таван ширхэг нүхийг хооронд нь 10(304.80cm) фут зайтай ухна. 2 инч(2,54см)-ийн 15 ширхэг хөнгөн цагаан трубаг нэг талын эгнээний нүхнүүдэд хийнэ ,нөгөө шугам дээр байрласан 15 ширхэг нүхэнд  2 инч(2,54см)-ийн 15 ширхэг зэс труба хийж булна. Эгнээ бүрийг цахилгаан дамжуулах утсаар хооронд нь цуваа холболтоор холбоно. 15 хос үүр нь  15 вольт хүчдэл гаргана. (Магадгүй бага зэрэг дээш ч гарч болно.) Гаралт нь дорхноо 100 ампер хүртэл өсч чадна! Болгоомжтой харьцахгүй бол цахилгаанд цохиулж болзошгүй. Эдгээрийн 10 нь л гэрийн тань цахилгааны хэрэгцээг хангаж чадна !
Dirt makes pretty good batteries. It seems like moist dirt packed tightly works the best. Add just enough water but not too much. I guess if the dirt dries up, you'll have to water the batteries along with the rest of the plants. The soda can version works but I haven't tested extensively. You don't really have to use a penny, just has to be copper. Perhaps other common materials would work better. Each cell gives you a useless 0.5 volts. But if you link them in series you can get more. I was able to light up an LED decently with 4 cells. Not quite as bright as Alkalines, but you get what you pay for I guess. While it's probably not the easiest way to get power, it's basically free, and it works on a small scale. Larger, higher current versions may be possible, but you'll probably need to still connect several together to attain a usable voltage level.
I have the idea of hammering 2 tubes in the ground, a slightly larger alluminum tube with a copper plumbing pipe inside, like this:
/  _  \
| (_)-|----copper (+0.75 volts)
\_____/----alluminum or zinc (-)
It works just like a regular battery except the electrolyte is damp dirt. And you get a quick recharge with each and every acid-rain. The first dirt batteries I made indoors in paper cups worked almost as good as commercial AA's, so I think the process is scaleable to larger amounts of power. I'm guessing that chaining about 32 of them in series would provide a steady 24 volts at a pretty decent amount of current. Maybe each cell would be 2 feet deep or so. Connect the copper of the first cell to the aluminum of the next, and so on. (Just like AA batteries in the radio) Since it's so simple I thought I'd post the idea in case someone had the stuff laying around and wanted to give it a whirl.

Offered by Joe.
I suspect a good acid soil will work best. If not, urine is acidic.
Offered by Steve.
I think one inside the other may be difficult to hammer in the ground and keep the pipes from touching, causing an electrical short. I suspect one could pick up used copper and zinc plated steel pipes out of wrecked houses after the pole shift. It should work to run the two pipes parallel to each other in a shallow trench near the earth's surface. A good test would be to determine the optimum distance apart to get the most power output for different soils. This would be good data for all to have. We could put an insulator to keep them apart 1/4-1/2 inch, or will 1-2 ft. work just as well? Or can one house be built with copper plumbing and another next to it with galvanized steel being 20-100 ft apart and still have it work without digging up the pipes?
Offered by Mike.
0.8 Volts for each cell is okay, but you can get around 1.5 Volts per cell, if you use Firewood ash in Water as the electrolyte. Or just NaCO3 (washing soda) and water. It also works with aluminium foil instead of the Zinc, which is easier to get ! Hope this helps. Regards, Stefan.

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